Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What If There Is a Tried-And-Tested Way to Have Good Health?

If there is a tried-and-tested way to good health we should do it. Everywhere we go we see great suffering of those who are plagued with cancer, high blood pressure, strokes, and many other health problems. These can be cured with this tried-and-tested method of health care.

The first thing we need to realize is our present system of health care is badly broken. The problem is, our present health care system treats the symptoms of the disease rather than its causes. The way to good health is to deal with the causes of the disease. When you fix the cause of the disease, the symptoms go away. If this is true, then we need to find the cause of the disease with an appropriate procedure that will fix this medical, emotional and/or spiritual problem.

This calls for a revolutionary way to bring people back to good health.This also calls for a health maintenance program that will assure the cause is not repeated.This revolutionary method of health care will remove some tears and add years to all who will accept it. Like any other revolution, you must take charge of your own health. You cannot leave your health to be taken over by those who are treating your symptoms rather than the causes of your poor health. There is very little relief from a symptoms'-based health care system.

To have good health, you must keep your immune system functioning properly. To do this, you must not over-stress your immune system. When you have a strong immune system, you can live in very good health. There are many things that are stressing our immune system. When we learn what these are and remove them from our body, we are well on our way to moving into a higher level of health and well-being.

If we do the same old thing the same old way, it is obvious we will most likely come up with the same results. To have good health, there must be some changes in the way we face this problem.

How do you protect your immune system? The first thing to do is to realize you are not unbreakable. You can very easily destroy your immune system. Many people are doing this without a clue as to how to strengthen their immune system.

There is no way I can give you a full course on how to guard your immune system. Here are some hints. (1) Develop a personal relationship with God. (2) Love everyone. (3) Do not eat foods that stress your immune system. (4) Maintain external and internal cleanliness. (5) Drink one ounce of water for every 2 pounds of body weight every day. (6) Have a daily exercise program. (7) Get plenty of sleep. This depends on how much stress you are dealing with. (8) Get professional alternative health care help before you do this program!

In the book I have reserved for you at, you can find a chapter entitled “Back to the Garden of Eden For Good Health” that will help you get on the road to good health. You can find helpful resource materials in its Bibliography!

What If God Wants You to Be Free to Live Again?

If God wants you to be free to live again, there is nothing that can keep you from living a richer, fuller, sweeter life in Him. Whatever your life has been like in the past, you can take courage and rise above it. You can make anything in life a stumbling block or a stepping stone. Everything from physical illness to a bad relationship cannot keep you from living free again. Perhaps you have never experienced the new life I am telling you about in this series of “What if” articles. If not, I have good news for you. God enjoys doing good things for His people. He can take the worst thing in a person's life and turn it into a blessing. Life does not have to be a bore and a chore. You can have “joy unspeakable and full of glory,” a peace the world cannot give or take away, love beyond your wildest dreams. We do not call the life with Christ “the good life” for nothing. You have no idea what wonderful things God has in store for you.

A lot of people are going through a lot of things that no one should ever have to endure. I want you to know, you do not have to go it alone. God wants to “restore” you. He wants to bring you out of darkness into His marvelous light. He wants to put the pieces back together again. He wants to set you free from bad habits and give you a new start. He wants to renew your strength so you will "mount up with wings of an eagle, run and not grow weary; and walk and not faint."

This is so wonderful it cannot be put into words. It is something you have to experience to begin to understand. There is something about being a child of God that defies our wildest dreams. What I am telling you is real. It is not a good song in the night. It is not a “pie in the sky.” It is not a bandage on an old wound.

The freedom I am presenting has been tried and tested for thousands of years in many cultures and among many ethnic groups. It can be adjusted to your needs. There are many people today who are experiencing this life of freedom. You can go to any place in the world and find these people living the “good life.” These people are not unaware of what is going on around them. Many of them are facing great hardships for their new life in Christ Jesus. Some have been beaten, tortured, and even killed in very painful ways. They keep singing. Nothing can separate them from “the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.”

I do not know about you, but I think this is the missing link that people are looking for that will give them “life and more abundant life.” “If you want joy, real joy. let Jesus come into your heart” today. You will be eternally grateful you did.

The “Deceitful Masters” book is my contribution to your new life in Christ Jesus. If you have not bought a copy, do it today. You may buy your copy from my website by using one of the links that is on it.

What If God Is Willing to Forgive All Your Sins?

If God is willing to forgive all your sins, He is more gracious than we could ever be. It is very hard for some of us to forgive people when they have wronged us. This is not true with God. He will forgive all your sins. Furthermore, once God forgives you, He never brings it up again. He totally forgets about it. What do you think? I would say this is wonderfully good news!

You may say, “You do not know how bad I have been. Surely God could never forgive me.” I say, it does not matter how bad you have been, God will forgive you. The secret is, “He that covers his sins will not prosper, but he that confesses and forsakes them shall have mercy.” I tell people who think this way, “you have to know how bad you are, before you get to God through Jesus Christ.”

You may say, “I have tried before and I always go back into my old sinful lifestyle. I have disgraced God so many times I do not know how He could ever forgive me.” Just keep trying. You can do it. I do not know how many times I had stumbled before I finally got established in God's love and grace. God is no respecter of persons. He forgave me. He will forgive you and give you a heart that can do God's will. Do not give up. Just keep looking up and yielding your will to God's will.

You may say, “I like my sins. I do not want to be forgiven.” I say, when you realize what your sinful life is doing to you, remember God is waiting to forgive you. In the day you seek Him will all your heart, He is waiting to forgive you.

You may say, “I am just as good as the next person. I do not need to be “saved.” People who feel this way do not realize there are three dimensions to the “good life.” You cannot be a “good” person unless you live in all three of these. The first one is your relationship with God. Do you love God with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength? The second one is your relationship with others. Do you really love your neighbor as yourself? The third one is your relationship with yourself. Do you love yourself as you love your neighbor? Do you really love yourself enough to prepare to meet God on His terms that will “save” you from a host of heartaches later? Part of this dimension is what is the legacy you are leaving for your children and grandchildren? Are you leaving them a faith that will take them through the gathering storms they may have to face?

I just want you to know that God is waiting to forgive you of all your sins. You are not a hopeless case. God does not have problems He only has solutions. Whatever it is that has caused you to “give up all hope that you can be saved” can be overcome. Perhaps your problem is an ungodly spouse or friends that keep dragging you away from God. You will have too “chose this day whom you are going to serve”—God or the devil and his crowd. If you make a choice for God, He will take care of you.

To receive help in this area you need your “Deceitful Masters” book. Do not hesitate to get your copy from, before you forget to do so.

What If You Could Know God Personally Through Jesus Christ?

If you can know God personally through Jesus Christ, why would you hesitate to do what it takes to do so? Could it be that you do not know what will happen when you follow the steps it takes to know God this way? Could it be you think to do so would make you a robot rather than a person? Are you afraid of failure to measure up to what God expects of you?

In the first place, you are not a robot when you accept God's way for your life. I can tell you personally, after having walked with God for over half a century, knowing God personally frees you to be yourself. Before knowing God you were a slave to the world, the flesh and the devil. After you turn to God through Jesus Christ, you are free to become what God planned you to be. You are a one-of-a-kind person whom God is pleased to help develop into someone beautiful for God, for others and for yourself.

What happens when you walk into the narrow gate that leads to wonderful fellowship with the God of the universe? (1) Your sins are forgiven and the guilt of your past is all forgotten, never to haunt you again. (2) You are made a new creation. Your old life of sin is taken away and you are made completely new. (3) You are adopted into God's family. You become an “heir of God and a joint-heir of Jesus Christ.” (4) The Holy Spirit enables you to live a life pleasing to God, others and yourself. (5) You are given a place in God's kingdom work that fits you perfectly. (6) By giving yourself completely to God, you can be given power through the Holy Spirit's cleansing you from the old sinful nature that made you rebel against God. (7) You will have sweet fellowship with God as you learn how to live a holy life by studying the Bible and fellowshipping with other people of God. (8)You will be free to develop your full potential as you learn how to bring honor and glory to God. (9) Every promise of the Bible is for you to enjoy.

The only problem most people have once they come to God through Jesus Christ is they wish they had done it sooner. The beautiful thing is, regardless of how old you are, you can enjoy God just as much as anyone else. You can have just as much of God as you want.

One more thing! You have probably heard the statement, “Christians are so heavenly minded they are of no earthly good.” The truth of the matter is, the more you love God and His ways, the greater your love for others and yourself will be. You are running around doing good things for other people as you have opportunity. You are supporting the weak, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, comforting the brokenhearted and helping set free the captives of Satan.

You are now invited to buy a copy of your “Deceitful Masters” book reserved for you at

What If Jesus Christ Is the Only Way To God?

To understand the fact that Jesus Christ is the only way to God, we need to know what has separated us from God. Maybe you have never had this explained to you before. I trust this will be helpful to you. It all started in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. This act brought sin into the world. Sin separates people from God. Thus, man was separated from God through this act of rebellion against God's will. The problem was that when Adam and Eve fell into sin and out of fellowship with God, they brought death into the world. This was spiritual as well as physical death. At this time, Satan bound the human race to a covenant to serve him rather than God. Thus, there needed to be a way for people to get to God through a new covenant with God. Jesus is the new covenant that God has made with humankind to restore their fellowship with God. Jesus is the only covenant that has been made by God to renew our relationship with Him. If God had not made this new covenant with the human race, there would have been no hope of us having fellowship with Him.

Why could there not be other ways for us to have fellowship with God? Why is Jesus the only way to get to God? This is an easy one. God only made one way to get to Himself. Jesus is the only covenant God made with us. The book of Hebrews in the Christian's New Testament Bible explains this new covenant.

How can we know Jesus is the only way to God? How do we know the Christian religion is not one of many ways to God? How do we know the New Testament is the true covenant God has made and not just what a few men came up with about 2000 years ago? These are honest questions and are worthy of honest answers! It was necessary for a perfect sacrifice to be made that would satisfy the justice of God. Jesus' sacrifice is the only perfect sacrifice that could pay for our sins and open a way for us to renew our relationship with God. This is not easy for us to understand. I will explain this further in the next article. The way you can know for yourself is to follow John 3:16, 17. When your life is transformed, you will know.

Maybe all of this can be understood by taking an example. Say you have a judge that you are facing for a crime you have done against him. You plead guilty. The judge gives you a sentence of death. To your surprise a person comes up and pleads with the judge that he be allowed to take your sentence and that you be allowed to go free. Your slate would be wiped clean and in the process of all this the judge becomes your friend, and you are treated as though the crime had never taken place. Now put God the Father in place of the Judge, put you in place of the rebel against the Judge, and Jesus Christ, God's Son, as the one that has taken your place so you could go free. Do you know of any one else who could or would do this for you?

If you would like to know more, go to the “Deceitful Masters” book to find the way of salvation in several places therein. Go to to buy your reserved copy of “Deceitful Masters” now.

What If God Allows Us to Decide Our Own Eternal Destiny?

If God allows us to decide our own eternal destiny, then it would be very important for us to make the right choice.

There is only one explanation as to why people are lost in sin's dark night. They chose to go there. People are not to blame for your wrong choices. The devil never made you do it. God never made you do it. Hypocrites in the church did not force you into a bad choice. Your parents did not make you do it. Society did not make you go astray. You do have free choice to decide you own eternal destiny. Nothing or no one else can change this. You were created with a free choice as to whether you would go God's way or some other way in life.

God does not determine your destiny for you. He does not decide some people will be saved and others will be lost, regardless of what anyone does to change their choice. This would make God a tyrant. This would make Him unjust and very wicked. The Bible tells us, “God is not willing that anyone should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” He sent His Son into the world “that we might be saved.” God provided a way for every last person on this planet to “make their peace with God.”

What do you have to do to make the right choice for your eternal destiny? You must admit you are a sinner. You must understand that without Jesus you have no way of escaping your sins. You must be willing to change your attitude about your sins. You must not try to cover up your sins. You must believe God can and will take your sins away from you. You must be willing to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your only Savior from your sins. You must be willing to let God change you into a “new creation in Christ Jesus.” You must be willing to live a life that is pleasing to God.

I am going to tell you why Jesus Christ is the only way to God in my next article. Many people think there are many ways to get to God. They talk about “all roads lead to God.” Before you can make the right choice about your eternal destiny, you must know the path God has made that leads to Him. All other paths will take you away from God. Those who walk away from God will spend an eternity in hell. Those who walk with God in this life will spend an eternity in heaven. As was shown in a previous article, there are only two places to spend eternity. Choosing your eternal destiny is the most important decision you will ever make.

“Deceitful Masters” is full of helpful information that will enable you to make the correct choices for your eternal destiny. You may buy your copy now by going to and following one of the links.

What If There Are “Ruling Elite” Who Are Warring Against God?

If there are “ruling elite” who are warring against God, we need to do something about it. God is the only friend we have in this battle. Those who are warring against God are not our friends. If we let them continue, they will destroy everything that is good and uplifting in our nation and in our world.

“Ruling elite” who are warring against God is not a new thing. They have been doing this from the time Cain killed Abel, his brother, because his brother was righteous and he was wicked. He went into a rage against his brother because his brother had God's favor and he did not. Nimrod led the people in rebellion against God after the flood. In our time we had Hitler, Lenin, Stalin and the like. To this very day we have people who are warring against God and His ways. They are working night and day to drive God out of every area of our lives.

The saying, “it only takes one rotten apple in the barrel to spoil the whole bunch,” is just as true today as it has ever been. We have these “ruling elite” out-numbered a thousand to one. If we would get these “rotten apples” out of the barrel, we would save the whole nation. The problem comes as to how you can tell the good apples from the rotten ones. The best way to spot a rotten apple is to know what a good apple is like. I would say, a look at “rotten apples” would tell they are rotten. They stink. They are corrupting those who are in contact with them. Regardless of how hard you try, you cannot restore them to being “good apples.” If you eat a bad apple you will get sick. Do you see anyone around you that would match this description? These are the “ruling elite” who are spreading their poison into the hearts and minds of our children, are telling us “God is dead,” that the Bible is an old book that is to be trashed, that we do not need the “Blood of Jesus” to free us from our sin problem, and that if we work hard at it, we can produce a Utopian Society without God's help or guidance.

Some of our most gifted people have fallen prey to this satanic lie. Not only are they gifted, they are also intelligent, appear to be good-natured and well-respected in our communities. They have great influence in many areas of our society. They know how to “mind-control” people. Some, but not all, of these people are controlled by Satan. Others have had too many bad experiences with hypocrites in the churches. Some are just rebellious against God because they do not want God to rule over them.

In “Deceitful Masters” you will find a more complete explanation of how the “ruling elite” have corrupted our world and what you can do about it. You can buy your copy now by going to my website.

What If Sinful People Are Slaves of Satan?

If sinful people are slaves of Satan, it would be good to know how to be set free from his tyranny. Satan is working night and day to destroy the human race any way he can. He will not surrender until either he is destroyed or the human race is destroyed. Why is this? Satan does not want any one competing with him. The human race has free choice. They can say yes or no to suggestions that are given to them. He is very content to lead us like “sheep to the slaughter.” When we resist Satan he will leave us.

If we do not let him lord it over us, he will attempt to destroy us. Due to the fact that Satan has had thousands of years to perfect his techniques at controlling us, we cannot free ourselves from his control without help from an outside source, Satan can make us think we are doing or thinking something when in reality he is making us do or think it. He is the one that is the master of “mind-controlling” techniques. Satan can also make us feel we have a right to do a thing that is destroying us. He can cause us to fall into a rage if someone attempts to deliver us from a harmful activity. If someone tries to get you to turn from Satan to God, you will feel like, if you serve God and others you will not have any fun. Satan is the ultimate “master of deceit!” He conned Eve into thinking God was lying to her concerning the consequences of disobeying God's command to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He showed how beautiful it was, that it would make her equal with God, and that God did not want this to happen. She listened to Satan and conned her husband, Adam, into eating the fruit. The result was Satan took over our domain, and sin was passed down to us from generation to generation. Satan brought great suffering on Job and would have completely destroyed him if God had not stopped him from doing so. If you are not a born-again, Spirit-filled Christian, you are under the control of Satan. In Ephesians 2:2, 3 we read, “Wherein in time past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience: Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind: and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.” When we as a nation became a secular society, we let down our defenses against the attacks of Satan.

If you are beginning to understand the seriousness of our present situation that has been brought upon us by those who think we can take care of our problems without God's intervention, you are well on your way to gaining freedom from Satan's wicked ways. Take courage! There is a way to be free from the death grip of Satan. God, Who has our best interests in mind, has given us a way to enter into a new way of life. A life of “love, joy and peace.” This new life is through the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible tell us about this new life in Jesus.

“Deceitful Masters” gives you all the information you need to free yourself from Satan's Tyranny. Go to to buy your copy now.

What If Satan is a Real Being That Is Organized Against God?

If Satan is organized against God, then we would do well to be on God's side in this war. God is the “good guy!” Satan is the “bad guy!” Those who are on God's side are on the “winning team!” Yes, Satan has been warring against God for thousands of years. It appears as though he has won many battles and that he is winning now. Any gains Satan may appear to have won are only empty victories. God has absolute control over this universe. Some day, very soon, we could very well have a real change. Satan and his followers are facing eternal destruction. They are destined to be cast into hell. All those who have made an alliance with Satan will go to hell with him.

If you are not for God, you are against Him. You have to be on God's side or Satan's side in this battle. The battle is engaged to determine who is going to be God. For thousands of years, Satan has been working night and day to dethrone God and to rule over us. He is not going to surrender to God in this battle. Satan and the angels that joined in his insurrection are going to fight until the bitter end.

Those who have studied the Bible are aware of Satan's intentions. Isaiah 14:12-20 calls Satan, Lucifer. Ezekiel 28:12-19 describes Satan as a created being that rebelled against God. Revelation 12:7-9 shows Satan as a red dragon who is the commander-in-chief of one third of the angels of heaven who are fighting against God. Satan is well organized against God and His saints. To get yourself on the right side of this battle you must choose to go all out for God. The only way we are going to win this battle is to “fight the good fight of faith” as we “look unto Jesus.”

In John 8:44 Jesus says, “You are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it.” Satan is out “to steal, to kill and to destroy.” Satan is a murderer and a liar.

When you see a person who is lusting for power to the extent he/she will lie, steal, kill and destroy to get it, you know you have someone who has made an alliance with Satan. This person is bad news to our way of life, and thus should not be allowed to take any leadership position anywhere in our society. If such a person occupies a leadership position among us, he/she will seek to destroy our way of life, will be working against a free society where the people rule and will do everything that he/she can to destroy our constitutional republic. When this person is allowed to concentrate his/her power base with others of like mind, we will be in much danger on every front.

The book I have authored has a spiritual battle manual in it called, “God's Operation Manual For Spiritual Warfare.” You should buy the copy I have reserved for you through my website today.

What If We Are Born With a Sin Nature That Wars Against God?

If we have a sin nature that wars against God, we should know it from our own personal experiences. You can see this in children who are very selfish. This is the reason people who do not have the saving grace of God in them are basically selfish.

The Bible teaches us that we do have a sin nature that wars against God. In Isaiah 53:6 we read “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Paul tells us in Romans 7:23 “But I see another law in my members warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.” Roman 8:7 says, “Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” There are many other such references to this found in the Bible. The further we get away from God, the more this rebellion against God shows up.

This warring spirit that is in us is against us as well as against God. It blinds us to the wonderful life God has for us. It weakens every part of our spiritual life. It destroys our relationships with God and others. It opens us up to being controlled by tyrants from the spirit world as well as this world. It robs us of a whole host of blessings that comes from loving God and others. It causes us to have hell on this earth. It gives us nervous breakdowns. It drives us to do all kinds of terrible things to others.

This warring spirit of evil has been the cause of all that is degrading in our society. It has brought many curses on us. The further we get away from God and His ways the more we suffer from “tyrants” that are destroying us from within. We have gotten to the place where we are “rotten to the core” because we have refused to work for the well-being of others. Loving God and loving others go together. You cannot have one without the other.

The best proof of us having a sin nature that is warring against God is the corruption of our society. There is no amount of education, laws, preaching, good home environments, social programs, prisons, or any other human effort that is going to redeem us from this sin nature that wars against God.

Look! Isn't it about time we allow God to be Lord of our lives and our society? When our nation allowed prayer and the Bible to be taught in our schools, and the Ten Commandments to be the law of the land, we experienced great blessings from the Lord our God. It is time for us to quit following the ungodly herd and to get back to God's Holy Word. This will become clearer as we answer the other questions in this series of “What If” articles.

The book I have authored, which was originally entitled “The Honest Truth,” has information that enables you to have a loving relationship with God and others. You may buy the copy now which I have reserved for you at

What If God Knows Everything You Are Thinking and Doing?

If God knows everything we are thinking and doing, it would be to our advantage to make sure He is pleased with our actions and attitudes.

One of our big problems is what to do with guilt. When we do wrong our “heart condemns us.” If we allow this condition to continue without doing anything about it, we will end up with all kinds of physical, emotional and spiritual problems. These problems can range from heart attacks to feelings of suicide. Our hospitals are full of people who would find complete healing without drugs by dealing with guilt. The sure way to get relief from guilt is to get things right with God and others.

When we decided we did not need God, we forsook the very One Who could “heal the broken hearted and set the captives free.” If we want to experience love, joy and peace, we must turn back to God, to prayer and to the Bible. We have been without “hope in this world” long enough. Only a close personal, loving relationship with God can set us free from the guilt that is plaguing our society today.

There are so many things our society was robbed of when we let a few “ruling elitists'' take God from our schools, churches, businesses, etc. God knows everything about us and He still wants to be our friend. He wants to help us with all of our problems and concerns. I will say more about this in a later article.

We cannot hide from God. Those who are right with God do not want to hide from Him. Those who are rebelling against God are doing everything they can to hide from Him. Life is too short and death is too certain to play these kinds of “hide and go seek” games with God. We do not need to hide from God. He wants to bless us. He knows our weakness and is ready to make us strong in our times of weakness. He knows our sins and is willing to forgive and cleanse us from all sin. He not only knows, He understands us completely. He knows the hairs on our head and every cell in our body. He knows our weak points and our strong points. He know when we fail and He know when we succeed. He wants to be our Shepherd, our Solid Foundation, our Defense, our Song in the night, etc. In a word, He wants to be our Everything at all times and in all places.

I have walked with God for over half a century. I am comforted to know He knows my every action and attitude. This enables me to “shun the wrong and do the right.” Living for God is the most wonderful thing in the whole universe.

If you want help in time of need, deliverance from a bad habit, a peace that passes understanding, real joy with many more blessings besides, let Jesus be your Lord and Savior. You will be surprised how much better you will feel when everything is right with God.

If this article has given you a new way to deal with guilt, then why not buy a copy of the “Deceitful Masters” book I have reserved for you at now. Appendix C gives you the steps you need to take to make your peace with God.

What If Heaven and Hell Are Real Places?

If heaven and hell are real places as described in the Bible, then we should find out about them. We should escape hell and go to heaven.

There is no way apart from the Bible to answer this question. I established in my article entitled “What If the Bible Is a Direct Message From God” that the Bible is the Word of God. What we must do in letting the Bible be our guide is take its literal message as the true message for the whole human race. We need to keep it simple. We need to act on what is found in it. God does not lie. What is in the Bible is absolute relational truth. It shows us what we need to do to stay out of hell and go to heaven.

What does the Bible tell us about heaven? It tells us it is a place of rest. It is a place where certain kinds of people are not found. It is a place of beauty. It is a place that needs no hospitals, no police, no earthly things. It is a place where Jesus is King of kings and all those who live there serve one another. It is a place of perfect bliss. It is a place where the redeemed of the Lord Jesus Christ are living in spiritual bodies like that of Jesus' resurrected body.

What does the Bible tell us about hell? It tell us hell is a place of eternal torment. It is a place where certain kinds of people are not found. It is a place of fire and hot sulfur and total darkness. It was prepared for the devil and his angels. Those who refuse God's call to repentance of their sins and do not have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will be here. This is the eternal home for all those who “walk in the counsel of the ungodly, stand in the way of sinners and sit in the seat of the scornful.”

The true story of the rich man and Lazarus is a description of what happens when we die. Lazarus was blessed and the rich man was tormented. The problem was not that the man was rich. The problem was that he consumed his riches on himself and was unwilling to do anything for Lazarus, who died eating out of his “garbage can.”

It is not that God is unclear in His explanations of heaven and hell. The problem is people are in denial. They are unwilling to accept the fact that if a person rejects God's plan of salvation there is no other place for this person except hell. They think God is too good to send anyone to hell. Let's get this straight. God does not send anyone to hell. The person who refuses God and His ways puts his/her own self in hell.

Some people think death is the end of their life. They think all the things they do in their lifetime are not judged by God. These people are in denial. A just God will never allow unjust deeds to go without being punished. See Galatians 6:7, 8.

The “Deceitful Masters” book has over 300 “keys” to understanding the Bible. Go to my website to order your reserved copy now.

What If the True and Living God Specially Created Everything?

If God has created everything for a purpose, it would do us good to find out what it is and work with Him to make sure the purpose is fulfilled. As our Creator and Redeemer, God has a perfect right to be the Sovereign of the universe. In other words, He has a right to tell us what to do. In my opinion, this is the reason the “ruling elite” does not want you to know the truth concerning God's creations. They want to be gods and goddesses. They want us to bow down to them.

True science and the Holy Bible both tell us the same thing concerning God's creations. True science, based on raw observable facts in the areas of natural laws, God- based philosophy and faith, shows us a very intelligent Being specially created the whole universe. There is no other explanation for all of the intelligent design that is seen all around us. Any other explanation is very unscientific. All the things we see, from rocks to man, could have only been specially created with a purpose in mind. Genesis 1 and 2 and Hebrews 11:3 show how God created the universe. These Scriptures are not “Babylonian cosmology” or myths from people of an “uneducated mind.” The Bible, which is God's explanation of His purpose for us, is completely reliable.

Admittedly, this is not what we are allowed to believe about the origin of our universe. We are denied the truth about origins that is in the Holy Bible and True Science. We have been led to believe that everything from hydrogen to human beings came into being through natural processes. Naturally, this could never happen! There is no way something can come out of nothing.

Also, there is no way non-life can produce life. Not only this, all of our natural laws are against this explanation of life from non-life, nothing-to-something religion. The truth of the matter is, such a religious faith is far less believable than the statement “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”--Genesis 1:1. To complicate things even more, origins and “why” questions are outside the realm of naturalistic science. These are in the realms of history, philosophy and faith. However, even though origins are outside of naturalistic science, it is not impossible to determine from our observations that the universe could not have created itself. There are only two explanations—the universe either created itself or it was created by an intelligent Being. By eliminating the possibility of a natural cause for our existence, we have established the fact that God created the universe as He purposed to bring glory and honor to Himself.

If this article has got you to thinking, perhaps you should buy your copy of the “Deceitful Masters” book now, which covers this subject in much greater detail. It is reserved for you at

What If We Are Being Lied to Concerning God and His Ways?

If we are being lied to concerning God and His ways, there must be a motive behind it. Why would anyone want to keep you from following the teachings of the Bible? The answer to this question is understandable. The “ruling elite” tyrants want absolute control over us. These people are organized to rule the world. The Bible teaches us that God is the absolute ruler. They feel their plans are better than God's. They feel they are much more intelligent than us. They want to rule the world according to their understanding of what is right and wrong. They are against anything that gets in their way of absolute rule over the whole world. They are working toward a one-world government with a one-world religion.

Not everyone in this world is willing to be ruled by these tyrants. The “ruling elite's” big problem comes from those who are telling people the truth about their wicked activities. They cannot function when the truth is accepted by “we the people.” Because of this they hate the truth. These wicked people would have had everything their way a long time ago if it were not for some of us who are resisting them with the eternal truth that is found in the Bible.

Some of their means of gaining control are: (1) confusing the facts by lying about the people who are telling the truth, (2) smearing the facts by the use of name calling and vicious threats, (3) making people think what they are doing is for their best interest when in reality it is not, (4) using double talk to confuse the issues, (5) making promises they have no intention of keeping, (6) telling people what they want to hear to gain control, (7) infiltrating our governments, educational institutions, churches, businesses, homes, etc to control them.

They most certainly do not want us to know there is a God that all of us are accountable to. The laws of nature and God's Holy Bible show us everything we need to know to please Him. The other thing they do not want you to know is that our nation was a Christian nation founded on Christian principles as recorded in our founding documents.

There is hope for the change we are longing for. We just have to place our faith in the sure Word of God rather than the lies of the Devil and his crowd that are seeking to destroy our Bible-based foundation.

Do the following: (1) Educate yourself and your family. Read the Founding Fathers' plans for America at (2) Order a copy of the Deceitful Masters book that is reserved for you at to equip yourself with the truth concerning God and His ways. Do not procrastinate! Do it now!

What If the Bible Is a Direct Message From God?

If the Bible is a direct message from God, it would be to our best interest to take heed to what it is telling us. Not only should we read and study it, we should also do what it tells us to do.

There are many good reasons why we believe the Bible is from God. Here are some things for our consideration.

God does not cover up the sins of His saints. The Bible shows their bad sides as well as their good ones. A mere human author would not do this.

God tells us He gave His message to “holy men” to relate to others. God does not lie. “Holy men of God” wrote what God related to them so we would know Him and His will for our lives.

All the prophecies of the Bible have been literally fulfilled or will be literally fulfilled. With over 300 references to Jesus' first coming in the Old Testament Scriptures that tell everything from where He was to be born to His resurrection from the dead, which were given to us hundreds of years before Jesus was born, the chances of all of these 300 prophecies being fulfilled by chance would be on the order of 3 followed by 623 zeros. Only God could have known all of these details about Jesus' first coming. This is a very good confirmation that the Bible is the Word of God.

Much of what is in the Bible are direct quotes of God. Such expressions as, “the Word of the Lord came to me, thus says the Lord, the Lord said,” etc, are common in the Bible.

Scientific expressions in the Bible are true to the facts. These facts are told at a time when the people who wrote them were in a culture that would not have known them. Genesis 1 and 2 is a good example of this. The question is, “Are we going to accept God's record of His creations or the lies of the 'science falsely so-called' crowd?”

Even though there were over 40 people who wrote what God told them, there is no real conflict between what they say. All give us the same message.

Jesus is everything the Bible declares Him to be. To find out about Jesus, your best source is the Christian's New Testament Bible. The Bible account of Jesus agrees with secular history.

People who do what the Bible tells them, live better than those who follow some other path. Those who do what the Bible tells them to do live a richer, fuller and sweeter life than those who leave God out of their lives. God speaks to people in all generations through the Bible. The Bible keeps us from going astray into many things that would harm us and others.

If you would like to know more about the Bible, buy the reserved copy of your “Deceitful Masters” book through the link on

What if You Could Be God For a Day?

If anyone is going to be God for a day, let me know so I can head for cover! This universe would be thrown into total confusion. It would be a chaos rather than a cosmos. However, for the sake of argument, let us see what a person would have to do to be God for a day.

Your first task would be to keep everything from flying apart. Right now, God is keeping everything together. Without God we would have no existence. You would have to be holy. You would have to have all wisdom and understanding of everything. You would have to be everywhere all the time so you could always keep an eye on everything. While you are watching over everything, you would need to keep good records of an unending amount of details. You would have to be fair with everyone. You would have to judge everyone with an absolute standard of right and wrong. You could not be controlled by the actions and attitudes of others. You would not be able to be a respecter of persons. You would have to make sure the enemy did not get out of control. You would have to be all powerful to control the spirit world and all the wicked people in this world.

This is just the start of what you would have to be able to do to be God for a day. Who would like to step up and give it a try for a day? I sure am not going to volunteer. Do we have anyone who would like to give it “your best shot?” Would you like to be crowned God for a day? This is your big day. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. What do you think? Are you up to the task?

This appears to be the ultimate degree of insanity! A man with great understanding of God and His ways, a man after God's own heart, a king said centuries ago, “The fool has said in his heart, there is no God.” As foolish and insane as this may be, there are people who are trying to be a god or goddess over God and all that He stands for. They are attempting to make their own rules and impose them on everyone else. They have forsaken the God of their youth and wonder why nothing is going right for them.

It is time for us to come back to the real world and let God be God. There is no way any of us can improve God's plans for us. To allow God to rule over us is the most sane thing we can do. Forget about the false concept of “separation of church and state.” Our Founding Fathers meant for us to be “one nation under God.” Our rights come from God. They do not come from tyrants.

“Deceitful Masters” is a valuable resource for you. You can buy your reserved copy of it at my website today.

What If There is Only One Self-Existent, Intelligent Creator, Redeemer, Personal God in the Universe?

If this is true, then we should be able to prove it by what is seen all around us. Here are some things that we would expect if there is only one self-existent, intelligent creator, redeemer, personal God in the universe.

1.God lives in, but is not part of the universe.

2.God is more glorious than all other beings in the universe.

3.The whole universe was created by God.

4.All creation must show the work of an Intelligent Being.

5.All creation must have a purposeful, orderly design.

6.God has absolute control over the whole universe.

7.God governs the universe with a standard of absolute morals.

8.There is a God that can and does communicate His will to us.

9.God's wrath is upon those who rebel against His sovereign will.

10.Human rebels are given a way to renew their fellowship with God.

11.Everyone can have a personal, loving relationship with God.

12.Our loving relationship with God is based upon our trusting and obeying Him.

God does not have to prove His existence any more than we do. Furthermore, we are accountable to God, He is not accountable to us. Be this as it may, there are plenty of proofs that all of the above are absolutely true, as we see them in full view before our very eyes through our honest study of God's Creations and His Word.

Let us take an example. “5. All creation must have a purposeful, orderly design.” This is shown over and over again everywhere we look. Take the human body as an example. There is not one part of our body that is not designed for a purpose in mind. If the genetic code is changed slightly, the whole system is adversely affected. Contrary to common misinformation, mutations of a organism are very harmful.

Let us take another example. “1. God lives in, but is not a part of the universe.” In other words, God is not a part of His creation. He is before all things. He was just as much God before He created “the heavens and the earth” as after His creation of them. “God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him (not His creations) in spirit and in truth.”

If you are interested in finding out more about God, “Deceitful Masters” would be a good choice. It's 448 pages cover over 130 topics relating to God and His material and spiritual creations. You can go to to order your reserved copy now.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Radical Extremists Are Trashing America, the Beautiful Queen Among the Nations

AMERICA, THE QUEEN AMONG THE NATIONS, WAS BEAUTIFUL! Nations are referred to in the female gender for a very good reason. They are like beautiful women. A healthy national spirit exists firmly in Christ-centered Bible-based relationships, partnerships and fellowships. America was destined to be the envy of the nations as she walked humbly with her God. To preserve society, there must be a delegated order of command with checks and balances. Our Ten-Commandments-based Constitutional law system establishes these principles of checks and balances. Her social structure has been based upon a solid moral and spiritual foundation of just laws and respect for the True and living God. God has abundantly blessed America as she has blessed Him. People have come from the "ends of the earth" to experience the "American dream." America has been an example of the glory that comes to a nation when she is "under God with liberty and justice for all." America has truly been the "beautiful queen" among the nations.

I believe America is worth saving from her enemies. She has been dragged through the mud long enough. The remainder of this article is a graphic description of the nature of a few radical extremists who are trashing our nation's moral and spiritual roots and what we can do to protect ourselves against their tyrannical attacks on us.

A FEW MEAN-SPIRITED RADICAL EXTREMISTS ARE TRASHING AMERICA'S GREATNESS! Pity any nation that is infested with these radical extremist parasites. These radical extremists are illogical, self-serving reprobates who are driven by an inordinate compulsion to mold us in their self-serving ungodly image. They are ravaging wolves in sheep's clothing. You cannot tame them, shame them or blame them. If you attempt to do so, you will expose yourself to their verbal and physical abuse. They are like wild, "foaming at the mouth," beasts prowling about looking for something or someone to devour. They are restless, ruthless, blind guides who have nothing more to do than to harass those who do not bow down to their extreme demands. They have organized themselves against the Lord and His Christ. These radical extremists have ruined America's Bible-based educational institutions, governments, defense organizations, finances and churches through plunder, deception, bribery, murder, and duress. They have intentionally corrupted our youth, weakened our military, driven our businesses to China and hijacked our God-given moral and spiritual foundations. God save America!

AMERICA IS BEING SYSTEMATICALLY TRASHED BY THESE TYRANTS! People, like those described above, who destroy a nation's God-given rights so they can "lord it over" its people are called tyrants. When a nation is "raped" it is forced by "plunder, deception, and duress" to do things that are not right. Many nations in our world are being "raped" in this matter. Their governmental "ruling elite" are forcing them to participate in things against their will. This has brought untold pain and shame to multitudes of people who are unable to defend themselves against these tyrants' brutal attacks aimed at their God-given rights. America is no exception. At this very moment, there is a well organized attempt by these radicals to force America to "fornicate" with those who hate her. These people appear to be more interested in making "laws" to protect special interest groups that are against our God-given value system than protecting our constitutional rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." The sad thing is, many people in America are unaware of what is happening. They do not understand that many of our national leaders are following their own agendas rather than representing "we the people." A good example of this is, how these radical extremists have been trying for years to force their "hate crime" and "health care" bills on us. Those who are harassing America's God and trampling over her God-given constitutional rights are leading her down the road to destruction. Her beauty is being morphed into ashes right before our eyes by those who are avowed enemies of her Christ-centered way of life.

PROTECTING YOURSELF AGAINST THESE RADICAL EXTREMISTS IS DOABLE! The actions of these tyrannical radical extremists are causing a large amount of unnecessary stress on the American people. The following suggested actions list will enable you to defend yourself and those around you against their treasonous tyranny. Do the following. 1. Stay out of "dark, excluded areas." Surround yourself with good and godly people. The best way to combat lies is to know the truth. Jesus tells us, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." To find the truth you need to form study groups to learn about our Bible-based national roots, constitutional laws, financial system and republican form of government. Also, form moral and spiritual support groups to enable you to follow the enlightening guidelines found in your Bible. 2. Walk humbly with the God of the universe. Let the Lord Jesus Christ be your Saviour and Lord. Let the Holy Spirit guide you. Stay close to God's people. 3. Do not be pressured into going against your conscience. Right is right and wrong is wrong, regardless of how many "laws" are made to the contrary. 4. Protect your family and neighbors against these wicked people who are highly organized into a strong force against God and His Word. Remember this is a spiritual battle between good and evil. Do not give up your defense weapons. Home school your children. Get out of debt as quickly as you can. 5. Be law-abiding citizens that are governed by the laws found in your national documents and your Bible. 6. Use nonviolent means to resist these radical extremist parasites. 7. "Do not play with the wild beast." Keep a safe distance between you and these "lions." 8. If you are being "raped" by tyrants, trust God to deliver you from their assaults. 9. Do not blame yourself for being "raped" by these untamed radical extremists. 10. Never surrender to the enemy. Make every attempt to help yourself and others to escape from these mischievous warmongers who are warring against your national liberties. 11. Keep your head up and your heart right with God and others. 12. Do not allow bitterness, shame, fear or guilt to motivate your actions and attitudes. Let the fruit of the Holy Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-26 motivate your actions and attitudes. Love and pray for your enemies. America bless God! God has blessed America!

Howard Eugene Wright's book called, "Deceitful Masters" is a good choice to enable you to recover from these mean-spirited radical extremists' assaults. You can get your hands on a copy of his book at his website. When the Ruling Elite's promise of a genuine change short-changes you, this book will show you how to change your despair into a changeless hope in your ever-changing world. The rest is in your hands!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Do We Really Want to be Ruled by Homosexual Principles?

Before we give free reign to a homosexual' lifestyle, we need to question its end product. Then we need to ask whether this is what we really want. To ask this is not a “hate crime.” This is the most loving thing we can do. To evade this question could very well spell the end of our civilization as we know it. Up until recently, we have thrown people in jail for committing such an act. Perhaps, doing so is the best solution in a secular society. However, following the moral standards of the Bible is a far better way.

Nevertheless, before we settle on a solution, let us come to an understanding that this lifestyle is very destructive. Think about this for a while! What would happen if only males co-habited with males and all females co-habited with females? We would have no children. There would be no families. Thus, there would be no children for homosexuals to adopt as they insist on doing now. In one generation the whole human race would be removed from the face of the earth. God's glorious plan for the human race would be defeated. The homosexual couple's perverted “loving” relationship would be short lived.

Is there anyone in their right mind who wants this to happen? The answer to this question may surprise you. The answer is yes! There are those who know the natural outcome of absolute sodomy is the destruction of the human race. They tell you too many people on the planet is destructive to its environment. The real truth is, they want to use this method of “birth control” to reduce the world's population. The real ulterior motive behind this madness is driven by the “ruling elite's” obsession to reduce the world population so it can be controlled or managed easier. When this is laid alongside the abortion-on-demand issue, you get the full picture of the sinister plan the “ruling elite” is using to reduce the world population to a manageable size. These people have no concern for the rights of others. The homosexuals who are practicing this perverted lifestyle are mere pawns in the hands of the “ruling elite.” The drama that is played out on this stage is directed by Satan and his cohorts. He is the one who is using the “ruling elite” as pawns to wipe the human race off the face of the earth.

Now listen to me very carefully! You are not born as a homosexual. If you have been caught up in this web of destruction, you need to be freed from it. Going around and bullying people to accept your perverted lifestyle is not the answer. This will only bring down on you the judgment of God, Who has a glorious plan for the human race. If you continue in your present belligerent attitude you will end up in a devil's hell. God does not want this for you. I do not want this for you. The only one who wants this for you is Satan. By destroying us, Satan will defeat the True and Living Creator-Redeemer God's plan for us. Why would Satan do this? Pure and simple, what he cannot rule he will destroy.

God's plan for us is that we all live in perfect harmony with one another. He wants us to love Him, love our neighbor as ourselves, love ourselves and love those who love Him. Satan has nothing for us except shame, disgrace, destruction, degeneration, wickedness, lawlessness and the like. Jesus came into this world that we might have the ability to live in perfect harmony with one another. The answer is not “hate crime” laws. The answer is clear. It is this, repent of your sins and accept God's gift of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. Let God clean you up so you can fulfill His glorious plan for your life.

In Howard Eugene Wright's book “Deceitful Masters” you will find a way to develop a loving, caring, sharing relationship with the wonderful Lord God of Glory. You can preview his book at You will find links on this website to Amazon where you can buy a copy of it for yourself and a friend. Be blessed. You are free to live again.

Fables of Modernized Christianity

The word “Christian” has lost its true meaning. Everything goes. You can be a “Christian” socialist, a “Christian” drug lord, a “Christian” homosexual, a "Christian" abortionist and so forth. The truth is, those who are not living according to the teaching of the Christian Bible are entertaining fables. They are not Christians. This article is giving you three modern-day fables that are passed off as Christianity. I trust you will not find yourself entertaining one of these fables. If you are, it is time for you to come to God through the Lord Jesus Christ.

A Fable of Pigpen Christianity

Once upon a time there was a herd of pigs wallowing in the mud as usual. They decided to root out of the pigpen and go to the marketplace to act up. On the way there they decided to call themselves “Christians.” It just seemed like the thing to do. After being very successful in the marketplace, these stinking pigs decided to throw their mud all over the world. All those who did not like their stinking attitude were victims of their mud-slinging campaigns. They continued to raise up a stink forever. The moral of the story is: If you are going to be a true Christian you must have a new heart with a new look. Those who have not experienced the new birth as explained in John 3 and 2 Corinthians 5:17 are still in the pigpen regardless of what they profess.

A Fable of Bathroom Christianity

Once upon a time there were some people who chose for themselves how to be “Christians.” They were not going to let anyone, not even God, tell them how to live their “Christian” life. One day these self-made “Christians” wandered into a master bathroom. As they looked around, some of them decided to partake of the medicine cabinet. They concluded that Christians should never have any problems or be deprived of the “nice” things in life. They were worldly-minded and would never be caught suffering for Jesus' sake. Others of these “Christians” decided to use the shower and sink to make themselves clean on the outside. These “Christians” wanted to put on a good outward appearance. They dressed well, wore perfume and looked very pleasing outwardly, but their hearts were very far from God. One of those “Christians” decided to use the toilet. As all of them left the bathroom one of them forgot to flush the toilet, no one thought to turn off the water in the shower or the sink. They cleaned out the medicine cabinet and went merrily on their way. They lived not so happily ever after. The moral of the story is: If a person is unwilling to live a life of sacrifice for Jesus' sake he/she is not a true Christian. True Christians are willing to loose everything rather than give up their love for God and those around them.

A Fable of Wallet Christianity

Once upon a time there were some people called “wallet Christians.” These “Christians” worshiped their wallets more that God. They had all the marks of “true Christians” as long as their god, Lord Wallet, gave them the comfortable life they lusted after. They lived not so happily ever after. The moral of the story is: Those who have made material gain the driving force in their lives are not qualified to call themselves Christians. Regardless of what you gain in this life you cannot take it with you. Only what is done for Jesus will last for all eternity.

Take fair warning and read 1Timothy 1:3-7; 4:5-7; 2 Timothy 4:3, 4; Titus 1:13b, 14 and 2 Peter 1:16 concerning fables.

You may want to check out my Deceitful Masters book at is a copy reserved for you that you can order today.