Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What If There is Only One Self-Existent, Intelligent Creator, Redeemer, Personal God in the Universe?

If this is true, then we should be able to prove it by what is seen all around us. Here are some things that we would expect if there is only one self-existent, intelligent creator, redeemer, personal God in the universe.

1.God lives in, but is not part of the universe.

2.God is more glorious than all other beings in the universe.

3.The whole universe was created by God.

4.All creation must show the work of an Intelligent Being.

5.All creation must have a purposeful, orderly design.

6.God has absolute control over the whole universe.

7.God governs the universe with a standard of absolute morals.

8.There is a God that can and does communicate His will to us.

9.God's wrath is upon those who rebel against His sovereign will.

10.Human rebels are given a way to renew their fellowship with God.

11.Everyone can have a personal, loving relationship with God.

12.Our loving relationship with God is based upon our trusting and obeying Him.

God does not have to prove His existence any more than we do. Furthermore, we are accountable to God, He is not accountable to us. Be this as it may, there are plenty of proofs that all of the above are absolutely true, as we see them in full view before our very eyes through our honest study of God's Creations and His Word.

Let us take an example. “5. All creation must have a purposeful, orderly design.” This is shown over and over again everywhere we look. Take the human body as an example. There is not one part of our body that is not designed for a purpose in mind. If the genetic code is changed slightly, the whole system is adversely affected. Contrary to common misinformation, mutations of a organism are very harmful.

Let us take another example. “1. God lives in, but is not a part of the universe.” In other words, God is not a part of His creation. He is before all things. He was just as much God before He created “the heavens and the earth” as after His creation of them. “God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him (not His creations) in spirit and in truth.”

If you are interested in finding out more about God, “Deceitful Masters” would be a good choice. It's 448 pages cover over 130 topics relating to God and His material and spiritual creations. You can go to to order your reserved copy now.

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