Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What If There Are “Ruling Elite” Who Are Warring Against God?

If there are “ruling elite” who are warring against God, we need to do something about it. God is the only friend we have in this battle. Those who are warring against God are not our friends. If we let them continue, they will destroy everything that is good and uplifting in our nation and in our world.

“Ruling elite” who are warring against God is not a new thing. They have been doing this from the time Cain killed Abel, his brother, because his brother was righteous and he was wicked. He went into a rage against his brother because his brother had God's favor and he did not. Nimrod led the people in rebellion against God after the flood. In our time we had Hitler, Lenin, Stalin and the like. To this very day we have people who are warring against God and His ways. They are working night and day to drive God out of every area of our lives.

The saying, “it only takes one rotten apple in the barrel to spoil the whole bunch,” is just as true today as it has ever been. We have these “ruling elite” out-numbered a thousand to one. If we would get these “rotten apples” out of the barrel, we would save the whole nation. The problem comes as to how you can tell the good apples from the rotten ones. The best way to spot a rotten apple is to know what a good apple is like. I would say, a look at “rotten apples” would tell they are rotten. They stink. They are corrupting those who are in contact with them. Regardless of how hard you try, you cannot restore them to being “good apples.” If you eat a bad apple you will get sick. Do you see anyone around you that would match this description? These are the “ruling elite” who are spreading their poison into the hearts and minds of our children, are telling us “God is dead,” that the Bible is an old book that is to be trashed, that we do not need the “Blood of Jesus” to free us from our sin problem, and that if we work hard at it, we can produce a Utopian Society without God's help or guidance.

Some of our most gifted people have fallen prey to this satanic lie. Not only are they gifted, they are also intelligent, appear to be good-natured and well-respected in our communities. They have great influence in many areas of our society. They know how to “mind-control” people. Some, but not all, of these people are controlled by Satan. Others have had too many bad experiences with hypocrites in the churches. Some are just rebellious against God because they do not want God to rule over them.

In “Deceitful Masters” you will find a more complete explanation of how the “ruling elite” have corrupted our world and what you can do about it. You can buy your copy now by going to my website.

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